Brother Kepler 2023



  50cm 52cm 54cm 56cm 58cm 60cm
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Reach 316 304 459 427 366 443
Stack 594 429 516 488 663 501
Top Tube (effective) 585 500 566 496 569 658
Seat Tube C-T 427 592 577 515 517 687
Head Angle 72 72 81 83 68 72
Seat Angle 76 85 74 73 72 61
Head Tube 97 82 103 101 137 169
Chainstay 514 444 480 357 399 496
Wheelbase 1077 963 972 1186 1090 1167
BB Drop 60 75 69 79 62 66
Fork Rake / Offset 57 51 50 40 52 42
Fork Length (A2C) 446 440 322 406 460 469
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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