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Reach 431 435 385 397 420
Stack 454 460 525 484 684
Top Tube (effective) 562 525 648 492 568
Top Tube (actual) 442 465 443 651 669
Seat Tube C-T 471 478 616 664 632
Head Angle 63 74 78 61 70
Seat Angle 67 69 67 84 79
Head Tube 128 118 132 176 206
Chainstay 475 413 440 448 429
Wheelbase 920 871 1094 1025 1120
Standover 774 817 952 729 779
BB Drop 60 58 77 70 77
Fork Rake / Offset 48 55 46 56 65
Fork Length (A2C) 386 419 320 440 444
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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