Cannondale Caad Optimo 2020



  44 48 51 54 56 58
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Reach 389 362 433 364 410 397
Stack 595 610 484 609 581 513
Top Tube (effective) 561 440 584 600 615 602
Seat Tube C-T 442 492 549 531 527 502
Head Angle 59 69 72 61 85 80
Seat Angle 86 81 71 66 81 77
Head Tube 112 101 124 135 145 180
Chainstay 475 334 419 373 355 387
Wheelbase 1135 1001 1021 924 1079 843
Front Centre 671 486 634 493 705 729
Standover 802 677 865 826 934 704
BB Drop 59 64 72 78 69 81
BB Height 294 284 263 278 296 253
Fork Rake / Offset 47 40 38 57 40 53
Trail 56 55 49 47 51 63
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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