Cannondale CAAD Optimo 2021



  44 48 51 54 56 58
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Reach 352 444 432 362 352 412
Stack 549 490 562 633 671 482
Top Tube (effective) 462 482 586 464 568 598
Seat Tube C-T 425 504 524 399 456 653
Head Angle 76 70 86 67 61 62
Seat Angle 67 79 67 60 86 84
Head Tube 112 92 129 134 146 189
Chainstay 452 369 437 467 342 405
Wheelbase 1159 948 1110 1160 842 1007
Front Centre 682 474 502 683 581 718
Standover 791 644 672 682 804 895
BB Drop 64 86 61 61 81 80
BB Height 233 276 259 238 260 258
Fork Rake / Offset 54 40 53 52 50 44
Trail 80 60 54 59 57 55
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