

  48 50 52 54 56 58 60 63
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Reach 337
Stack 435
Top Tube (effective) 602 423 639 611 633 672 476 667
Seat Tube C-T 510 388 505 467 610 464 676 684
Head Angle 58 77 81 74 79 69 66 63
Seat Angle 72 60 79 71 84 63 71 60
Head Tube 89 137 115 137 127 198 194 179
Chainstay 433 460 329 401 398 473 436 365
Wheelbase 947 842 963 1148 1126 841 883 934
Front Centre 594 621 541 519 682 517 602 614
Standover 738 748 659 832 728 753 987 979
BB Drop 83 72 81 62 55 57 55 66
BB Height 284 232 229 226 234 289 314 298
Fork Rake / Offset 36 41 39 52 37 42 49 44
Trail 72 68 59 53 55 54 57 42
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