Cannondale CAAD8 2013



  48 51 54 56 58 61
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Reach 346 359 371 386 423 379
Stack 495 586 490 519 630 666
Top Tube (effective) 510 488 478 457 617 570
Head Angle 71 75 82 86 79 69
Seat Angle 66 65 70 69 87 84
Head Tube 128 153 165 148 179 247
Chainstay 421 332 345 382 344 362
Wheelbase 896 809 1162 915 898 961
Front Centre 457 649 495 708 591 520
Standover 695 916 743 850 779 750
BB Drop 72 74 70 82 69 66
BB Height 232 277 320 317 320 222
Fork Rake / Offset 56 49 51 41 42 48
Trail 53 61 52 45 51 43
Data Source Cannondale Cannondale Cannondale Cannondale Cannondale Cannondale

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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