Cannondale CAADX 2019



  46 51 54 56 58 61
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Reach 410 324 429 357 349 377
Stack 581 620 479 689 580 506
Top Tube (effective) 422 422 571 445 610 651
Seat Tube C-T 551 569 512 510 689 721
Head Angle 81 64 63 59 84 74
Seat Angle 74 73 62 77 65 59
Head Tube 86 121 146 158 205 197
Chainstay 435 476 469 504 483 367
Wheelbase 928 1061 1082 1166 952 927
Front Centre 517 647 671 587 562 710
Standover 852 635 734 819 703 848
BB Drop 58 77 78 56 74 54
BB Height 324 237 265 305 276 316
Fork Rake / Offset 49 60 46 61 53 60
Trail 77 67 69 69 57 58
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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