

  46 51 54 56 58 61
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Reach 355 328 351 417 335 423
Stack 613 604 640 480 514 497
Top Tube (effective) 415 547 605 590 479 596
Seat Tube C-T 559 596 504 538 648 692
Head Angle 82 66 80 65 60 76
Seat Angle 60 66 70 63 76 83
Head Tube 100 94 138 126 161 164
Chainstay 446 407 397 447 378 498
Wheelbase 1115 859 857 841 1176 1184
Front Centre 688 597 502 737 515 697
Standover 861 652 937 668 977 1025
BB Drop 83 74 65 73 72 81
BB Height 290 259 287 239 276 278
BB Type Cannondale BB30 Cannondale BB30 Cannondale BB30 Cannondale BB30 Cannondale BB30 Cannondale BB30
Fork Rake / Offset 50 50 61 59 46 57
Trail 68 55 55 74 73 58
Wheel Size 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c
Tyre Max Width 35 39 41 32 32 39
Stem Angle 6 8 5 6 6 6
Bike Weight 10 9 9 11 11 8
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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