Cannondale Habit Carbon Women's 2020



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Reach 383 375 485 476 569
Stack 614 530 721 704 621
Top Tube (effective) 524 542 701 727 791
Top Tube (actual) 508 520 486 513 578
Seat Tube C-T 455 344 386 535 533
Head Angle 76 64 75 73 61
Seat Angle 63 75 80 63 76
Head Tube 79 110 128 103 156
Chainstay 490 508 366 404 512
Wheelbase 1203 1155 1213 1317 1393
Front Centre 570 603 735 863 785
Standover 678 789 870 735 635
BB Drop 22 38 43 35 40
BB Height 265 369 391 271 311
Fork Rake / Offset 47 54 57 55 47
Wheel Size 32 28 30 23
Front Travel 165 163 164 139 162
Rear Travel 136 136 119 123 159
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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