Cannondale Jeykll Carbon 29 2020



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Reach 485 424 508 419
Stack 627 646 674 705
Top Tube (effective) 633 600 567 796
Top Tube (actual) 521 600 652 735
Seat Tube C-T 335 497 375 524
Head Angle 74 59 54 75
Head Tube 100 137 134 138
Chainstay 482 483 409 382
Wheelbase 1337 1273 1021 1411
Front Centre 614 626 641 956
Standover 834 682 638 809
BB Drop 16 13 16 15
BB Height 348 394 345 376
Fork Rake / Offset 46 49 36 40
Trail 107 133 113 112
Wheel Size 31 29 24 34
Front Travel 159 160 132 121
Rear Travel 145 157 162 126
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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