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Reach 362 451 459 381
Stack 576 660 482 660
Top Tube (effective) 535 596 526 620
Top Tube (actual) 548 626 559 594
Seat Tube C-T 418 421 531 572
Head Angle 73 66 83 67
Seat Angle 68 79 71 76
Head Tube 121 178 159 185
Chainstay 470 356 390 487
Wheelbase 986 1024 879 1063
Front Centre 580 608 642 609
Standover 879 876 778 741
BB Drop 75 76 57 68
BB Height 296 294 236 313
Fork Rake / Offset 39 48 41 53
Trail 92 77 75 75
Wheel Size 700C 700C 700C 700C
Data Source Retailer Retailer Retailer Retailer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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