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Reach 331 387 455 390 464
Stack 541 688 671 736 727
Top Tube (effective) 546 581 584 655 663
Seat Tube C-T 392 397 424 493 615
Head Angle 68 58 79 57 62
Seat Angle 84 68 65 63 63
Head Tube 76 86 147 134 167
Chainstay 433 417 449 375 415
Wheelbase 1252 1176 1322 1065 1348
Standover 652 697 695 891 755
BB Height 311 310 254 287 287
Fork Rake / Offset 44 57 55 45 60
Rider Height 4'10" - 5'3" 5'2" - 5'7" 5'5" - 5'10" 5'9" - 6'2" 6'0" - 6'5"
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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