Cannondale Scalpel Carbon SE 1 2021



  S M L XL
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Reach 487 495 370 434
Stack 684 653 531 628
Top Tube (effective) 468 665 583 711
Top Tube (actual) 543 484 556 516
Seat Tube C-T 484 469 554 512
Head Angle 63 71 61 55
Seat Angle 64 63 68 65
Head Tube 103 120 124 125
Chainstay 365 403 389 357
Wheelbase 1079 1195 1143 1389
Front Centre 782 678 835 760
Standover 881 824 835 871
BB Drop 28 33 33 39
BB Height 385 359 350 298
Fork Rake / Offset 42 39 36 44
Wheel Size 25 31 30 23
Handlebar Width 935 830 865 694
Stem Angle 6 7 7 6
Front Travel 102 105 143 105
Rear Travel 130 100 136 127
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