Cannondale Slice W 2017



  44 (650c) 48 (700c) 51 (700c) 54 (700c)
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Reach 320 448 317 344
Stack 488 478 540 480
Top Tube (effective) 516 553 468 448
Seat Tube C-T 416 492 483 628
Head Angle 65 63 84 80
Seat Angle 79 79 76 66
Head Tube 105 85 115 105
Chainstay 305 372 362 463
Wheelbase 1080 1092 1051 899
Front Centre 605 646 544 645
Standover 662 759 618 678
BB Drop 62 85 74 87
BB Height 253 220 291 296
Fork Rake / Offset 35 50 41 50
Trail 67 70 56 69
Data Source Cannondale Data Cannondale Data Cannondale Data Cannondale Data

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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