Cannondale Super X 2018



  46 51 54 56 58 61
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Reach 352 404 364 338 462 377
Stack 469 575 623 640 654 597
Top Tube (effective) 446 549 437 524 588 476
Seat Tube C-T 387 470 567 636 659 671
Head Angle 82 58 63 79 81 61
Seat Angle 73 69 66 67 82 82
Head Tube 83 109 150 176 164 196
Chainstay 434 485 414 342 357 481
Wheelbase 953 884 1037 1224 1117 858
Front Centre 494 589 660 651 602 593
Standover 717 663 928 822 700 871
BB Drop 57 58 71 68 66 56
BB Height 246 269 271 300 291 237
BB Type BB30 BB30 BB30 BB30 BB30 BB30
Fork Rake / Offset 53 56 60 46 48 50
Trail 63 67 54 50 57 65
Wheel Size 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c
Tyre Max Width 47 41 38 35 36 38
Seatpost Length 288
Stem Angle 5
Crank Length 156
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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