Cannondale Super X Hi-Mod CX1 2016



  44 48 52 54 56 58
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Reach 297 379 301 327 396 426
Stack 546 566 463 616 566 488
Top Tube (effective) 595 514 536 560 531 475
Head Angle 72 60 64 67 86 79
Seat Angle 88 72 73 65 73 65
Head Tube 94 104 135 121 191 204
Chainstay 491 411 370 392 495 460
Wheelbase 1157 1157 830 951 1214 962
Front Centre 526 703 674 678 718 698
Standover 622 693 710 724 712 690
BB Drop 69 60 74 58 64 66
BB Height 324 325 319 290 336 278
BB Type BB30 BB30 BB30 BB30 BB30 BB30
Fork Rake / Offset 53 40 47 49 50 41
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