Cannondale Tango 6 2021



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Reach 347 357 399 508
Stack 666 638 695 508
Top Tube (effective) 628 553 621 732
Seat Tube C-T 323 360 387 450
Head Angle 54 70 57 61
Seat Angle 85 63 74 80
Head Tube 100 98 112 105
Chainstay 359 453 358 365
Wheelbase 920 1186 1023 1116
Front Centre 505 784 727 797
Standover 768 582 829 891
BB Drop 71 56 52 71
BB Height 338 323 326 277
Fork Rake / Offset 40 47 52 41
Trail 114 85 113 97
Wheel Size 22 28 24 29
Handlebar Width 729 828 628 687
Stem Angle 7 8 9 8
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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