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Reach 339 355 491
Stack 624 607 568
Top Tube (effective) 510 668 669
Seat Tube C-T 379 386 556
Head Angle 59 76 65
Seat Angle 77 65 81
Head Tube 106 108 133
Chainstay 416 484 448
Wheelbase 1262 934 1324
Front Centre 779 627 680
Standover 590 749 818
BB Drop 2 1 2
BB Height 340 339 412
Fork Rake / Offset 54 42 51
Trail 96 98 92
Wheel Size 27.5" 27.5" 27.5"
Data Source Retailer Retailer Retailer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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