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Top Tube (effective)
Seat Tube C-T
Head Angle
Seat Angle
Head Tube
Front Centre
BB Drop
Data Source
  50 52 54 56 58 60 62
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Reach 400 373 319 337 477 365 369
Stack 554 537 553 551 729 537 689
Top Tube (effective) 603 592 535 657 648 523 657
Seat Tube C-T 378 588 578 605 468 661 533
Head Angle 68 70 60 73 80 68 65
Seat Angle 66 60 74 63 71 85 66
Head Tube 99 107 157 189 201 195 260
Chainstay 415 - 435 415 - 435 415 - 435 415 - 435 415 - 435 420 - 440 420 - 440
Wheelbase 975 - 995 984 - 1004 993 - 1013 1006 - 1026 1024 - 1044 1049 - 1069 1060 - 1080
Front Centre 504 671 479 550 709 581 529
Standover 615 745 758 644 819 692 691
BB Drop 60 63 86 68 75 74 75
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