

  48h 48s 50h 50s 52h 52s 54h 54s 56h 56s
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Reach 358 407 317 334 317 365 339 311 330 451
Stack 482 446 511 644 464 530 507 685 489 681
Top Tube (effective) 542 539 567 440 613 581 632 482 684 490
Seat Tube C-T 515 571 591 537 526 440 467 436 635 454
Seat Tube (effective) 456 611 514 512 695 555 731 664 663 679
Head Angle 81 72 77 77 82 77 81 76 67 80
Seat Angle 67 80 84 78 88 80 61 60 69 73
Head Tube 162 120 172 117 166 153 190 156 166 158
Chainstay 362 359 329 481 364 435 476 384 435 487
Front Centre 563 519 590 601 567 655 500 593 554 607
BB Drop 68 70 64 60 61 58 67 80 64 60
Wheel Size 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c
Data Source Colnago Colnago Colnago Colnago Colnago Colnago Colnago Colnago Colnago Colnago

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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