

  50cm 52cm 54cm 56cm 58cm 60cm
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Reach 375 462 395 378 343 452
Stack 555 592 436 649 519 659
Top Tube (effective) 615 569 492 649 642 581
Seat Tube C-T 486 410 459 439 425 442
Head Angle 78 63 66 86 82 76
Seat Angle 86 60 82 59 82 60
Head Tube 112 135 147 175 197 171
Chainstay 487 467 412 378 483 420
Wheelbase 1112 928 811 1068 1082 852
BB Drop 65 62 79 62 59 69
Handlebar Width 375 407 337 482 376 487
Stem Length 72 82 102 87 98 118
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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