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Reach 391 457 325 456 509 369
Stack 581 478 492 670 541 561
Top Tube (actual) 471 544 528 603 530 701
Seat Tube C-T 388 409 540 651 664 581
Head Angle 58 65 85 73 64 60
Seat Angle 68 58 88 84 74 68
Head Tube 129 97 154 158 202 176
Chainstay 410 407 408 405 353 372
Wheelbase 1107 1111 984 1070 906 1258
BB Drop 48 67 76 70 89 76
Wheel Size 573 782 819 678 682 648
Handlebar Width 471 464 441 370 524 524
Stem Length 60 78 70 74 89 93
Crank Length 187 134 157 179 140 196
Saddle Height 653-753 683-783 713-813 743-843 773-873 803-903
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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