

  15.5 17.5 19.5 21
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Reach 390 452 345 457
Stack 528 708 643 742
Top Tube (effective) 610 497 687 614
Seat Tube C-T 461 484 512 540
Seat Tube C-C 362 428 352 455
Head Angle 78 70 73 68
Seat Angle 80 61 87 61
Head Tube 128 125 142 197
Chainstay 561 375 543 477
Wheelbase 1027 942 1359 1120
Front Centre 604 617 670 818
Standover 620 720 735 907
BB Drop 67 68 48 62
Seatpost Diameter 32 26 34 31
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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