

  46(S) 48(M) 50(L) 52(XL) 54(XXL)
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Reach 419 345 431 447 367
Stack 469 426 484 625 433
Top Tube (effective) 483 486 623 455 623
Seat Tube C-T 369 432 480 558 625
Head Angle 69 69 61 73 85
Seat Angle 70 85 65 76 78
Head Tube 102 106 128 107 124
Chainstay 348 348 486 338 403
Front Centre 497 639 624 499 488
BB Drop 70 78 72 69 56
BB Type BB86 BB86 BB86 BB86 BB86
Fork Rake / Offset 42 45 44 52 45
Trail 56 63 59
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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