Elves Falath 2019



  44(XS) 46(S) 49(M) 52(L) 54(XL) 56(2XL)
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Reach 346 387 442 371 380 454
Stack 535 599 613 561 565 635
Top Tube (effective) 525 519 562 483 597 457
Seat Tube C-T 368 524 388 574 454 437
Head Angle 65 60 63 85 76 64
Seat Angle 79 85 73 88 74 61
Head Tube 87 84 122 150 124 182
Chainstay 472 362 454 481 351 481
Front Centre 496 528 580 615 602 590
BB Drop 69 57 56 55 65 60
Rider Height 155-165 163-172 170-177 175-182 180-185 182-190
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