

  44(XS) 46(S) 49(M) 52(L) 54(XL) 56(2XL)
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Reach 332 334 435 317 400 320
Stack 406 568 529 486 444 524
Top Tube (effective) 482 520 527 498 532 523
Seat Tube C-T 491 456 542 574 588 470
Seat Angle 61 81 76 81 70 86
Head Tube 84 122 144 112 122 143
Chainstay 411 424 328 353 382 436
Rider Height 155-165 163-172 170-177 175-182 180-185 182-190
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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