

  S-46 M-49 L-52 XL-54 2XL-56 3XL-59 4XL-61
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Reach 423 396 381 305 386 434 398
Stack 585 592 465 595 518 572 658
Top Tube (effective) 585 517 565 464 603 547 535
Seat Tube C-T 537 510 458 620 516 587 618
Head Angle 70 65 71 83 85 87 65
Seat Angle 72 64 68 78 60 72 62
Head Tube 94 130 120 105 144 165 174
Chainstay 470 491 382 339 436 447 437
Wheelbase 872 784 798 1007 885 987 1077
Front Centre 530 481 608 658 521 517 557
Standover 638 708 704 672 979 767 718
BB Drop 81 80 61 62 79 80 70
Wheel Size 700C 700C 700C 700C 700C 700C 700C
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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