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Top Tube (effective)
Seat Tube C-T
Head Angle
Head Tube
BB Drop
Wheel Size
Tyre Max Width
Data Source
  46 49 52 54 56
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Reach 382,8 322 368 450 340
Stack 517,6 528,9 540,1 548,5 557,9
Top Tube (effective) 522,7 530,7 547,9 553,3 563,3
Seat Tube C-T 381 542 591 579 538
Head Angle 60 71,5 80 72,5 72
Head Tube 91 110 124 123 150
Chainstay 480 371 361 451 417
Wheelbase 873 984,4 992,5 993,5 993,6
Standover 811 667 941 683 696
BB Drop 64 73 63 79 59
Wheel Size 811 613 811 600 791
Tyre Max Width 30 35 37 31 33
Data Source Mail from Manufacturer Mail from Manufacturer Mail from Manufacturer Mail from Manufacturer Mail from Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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