

  46-S 48-M 50-L 52-XL 54-2XL 56-3XL 58-4XL
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Reach 442 417 333 449 346 435 360
Stack 455 544 477 506 447 621 527
Top Tube (effective) 502 590 497 533 455 516 698
Seat Tube C-T 410 547 572 512 592 647 566
Head Angle 64 73 64 83 72 72 69
Seat Angle 77 83 75 85 77 62 70
Head Tube 78 107 97 135 157 134 163
Chainstay 456 324 401 354 453 325 429
Front Centre 480 607 570 501 679 532 601
BB Drop 60 81 56 80 68 71 57
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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