

  46-S 48-M 50-L 52-XL 54-2XL 56-3XL 58-4XL
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Reach 365 434 421 349 421 394 374
Stack 557 522 549 475 507 654 489
Top Tube (effective) 587 608 453 573 637 594 598
Seat Tube C-T 414 446 410 504 603 459 497
Head Angle 77 67 65 73 63 61 84
Seat Angle 86 64 60 63 74 82 83
Head Tube 83 99 88 127 142 138 210
Chainstay 433 454 431 466 324 335 456
Front Centre 474 468 567 567 498 508 590
BB Drop 56 74 56 55 81 56 81
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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