

  S-46 M-48 L-50 XL-52 2XL-54 3XL-56
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Reach 305 315 345 310 362 331
Stack 500 415 494 623 642 568
Top Tube (effective) 427 517 572 590 610 460
Seat Tube C-T 550 502 407 584 515 465
Head Angle 58 79 61 62 81 72
Seat Angle 67 62 77 80 76 63
Head Tube 96 104 99 121 138 147
Chainstay 485 462 372 406 429 415
Front Centre 627 582 559 469 644 663
BB Drop 56 69 74 81 71 63
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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