Elves Vanyar Disc 2021



  S-46 M-48 L-50 XL-52 2XL-54 3XL-56
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Reach 431 401 382 426 439 375
Stack 469 592 567 602 640 538
Top Tube (effective) 496 485 448 612 563 662
Seat Tube C-T 443 550 417 617 521 592
Head Angle 76 78 81 77 78 70
Seat Angle 69 88 67 70 72 70
Head Tube 80 118 81 119 137 152
Chainstay 445 325 451 382 439 360
Front Centre 511 617 553 639 532 546
BB Drop 69 65 81 59 80 64
Frame Weight 850g
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