

  53 47 56 59
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Reach 455 300 444 403
Stack 505 563 468 668
Top Tube (actual) 630 439 616 569
Seat Tube C-T 623 558 506 647
Head Angle 71 86 71 63
Seat Angle 63 64 62 77
Head Tube 113 78 162 185
Chainstay 443 486 487 418
Wheelbase 988 829 865
Standover 945 774 681 999
BB Drop 58 82 73 71
BB Type BB386 BB386 BB386 BB386
Fork Rake / Offset 36 42 39 44
Fork Length (A2C) 338 394 383 418
Wheel Size 700c 700c 700c 700c
Tyre Max Width 30mm 30mm 30mm 30mm
Seatpost Length 321 350/400 410 459
Seatpost Offset 25
Frame Weight 744 926 797 1009
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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