Enigma Esprit 2020



  54 56 59T 59
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Reach 406 395 454 333
Stack 483 532 584 714
Top Tube (effective) 446 518 535 585
Seat Tube C-T 500 649 619 693
Head Angle 84 73 62 72
Seat Angle 65 68 70 63
Head Tube 147 141 169 212
Chainstay 438 432 346 369
BB Drop 61 85 63 69
Fork Length (A2C) 346 383 334 351
Wheel Size 700c 700c 700c 700c
Tyre Max Width 28c 28c 28c 28c
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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