

  45 49 52 54 56 58 61
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Reach 409 432 329 393 453 478 406
Stack 594 526 627 454 626 589 730
Top Tube (effective) 503 422 481 521 641 591 617
Seat Tube C-T 448 617 599 578 556 599 677
Head Angle 81 78 65 76 82 80 59
Seat Angle 87 76 75 65 59 71 69
Head Tube 103 124 113 139 150 208 187
Chainstay 380 351 400 326 444 386 457
Wheelbase 792 798 806 1049 893 867 959
Front Centre 594 636 568 544 604 533 648
Standover 837 649 768 708 717 892 874
BB Drop 67 66 74 77 64 77 56
BB Height 256 290 225 247 226 311 230
Fork Rake / Offset 56 49 43 52 34 37 42
Trail 50 64 56 67 62 53 60
Fork Length (A2C) 347 325 414 377 318 303 412
Rider Height 670-600 690-620 730-660 760-690 790-720 810-740 830-760
Data Source Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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