Flyxii FLX-FR-801 2020



  49 52 54 56 58
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Reach 387 307 424 414 444
Stack 559 629 655 520 527
Top Tube (effective) 437 616 559 483 516
Seat Tube C-T 407 559 522 660 535
Head Angle 64 65 56 86 85
Seat Angle 78 79 77 68 66
Head Tube 108 125 151 186 173
Chainstay 423 429 490 405 504
Wheelbase 1203 1061 956 1134 1015
BB Drop 68 64 68 65 64
Fork Rake / Offset 48 41 54 50 54
Fork Length (A2C) 471 417 374 343 377
Seatpost Diameter 25 24 25 22 23
Axle Spacing 12x142 12x142 12x142 12x142 12x142
Wheel Size 700C 700C 700C 700C 700C
Tyre Max Width 53 43 49 48 57
Headset 1 1/8" - 1 1/2" 1 1/8" - 1 1/2" 1 1/8" - 1 1/2" 1 1/8" - 1 1/2" 1 1/8" - 1 1/2"
Seat Clamp 31 30 30 34 30
Frame Weight 1434
Data Source Flyxii Flyxii Flyxii Flyxii Flyxii

Note: Frame weight includes fork +/- 70 g ; Fork axle spacing: 12x100 ; BB Drop measured in CAD basing on drawing of 49 cm size

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

Image showing geometry measurements

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