

  49 51 53 55 57 59 61
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Top Tube (effective) 586 546 490 597 605 682 642
Top Tube (actual) 444 466 576 589 665 645 625
Seat Tube C-T 446 434 500 649 645 589 696
Head Angle 69 74 66 77 72 87 86
Seat Angle 78 71 65 83 62 65 77
Head Tube 71 84 125 151 163 152 174
Chainstay 393 347 396 394 388 351 402
Front Centre 468 526 579 682 498 522 594
BB Drop 73 83 74 76 78 62 67
Seatpost Diameter 31 26 28 29 22 32 24
Tyre Max Width 22 29 24 31 24 28 29
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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