

  490 530 460 570 650 610
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Reach 356 360 368 363 344 448
Stack 616 618 564 676 606 697
Top Tube (effective) 579 588 532 677 495 531
Head Angle 65 59 73 61 60 67
Seat Angle 58 70 75 76 58 57
Head Tube 146 131 169 136 192 167
Chainstay 589 533 559 520 429 417
Wheelbase 1065 968 1125 1176 1338 1119
BB Drop 63 57 45 62 54 46
Fork Rake / Offset 52 44 44 54 55 49
Fork Length (A2C) 447 538 580 563 447 451
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Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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