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Reach 364 422 417
Stack 697 682 749
Top Tube (effective) 549 657 583
Seat Tube C-T 519 468 495
Head Angle 57 66 82
Seat Angle 86 65 80
Head Tube 162 172 149
Chainstay 512 488 447
Wheelbase 1041 1047 1357
Standover 612 758 736
BB Drop -58 -61 -62
Seatpost Diameter 27 22 25
Handlebar Width 588 588 655
Stem Length 60 79 95
Crank Length 167 175 194
Front Travel 48 54 59
Headset 38 48 42
Data Source Ghost Ghost Ghost

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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