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Reach 341 465 441
Stack 635 697 678
Top Tube (effective) 669 508 573
Seat Tube C-T 404 429 679
Head Angle 67 58 66
Seat Angle 67 87 61
Head Tube 134 185 187
Chainstay 372 407 461
Wheelbase 1014 967 1015
Standover 685 651 687
BB Drop -55 -63 -47
Seatpost Diameter 23 28 29
Handlebar Width 575 630 756
Stem Length 85 80 125
Crank Length 150 150 156
Front Travel 66 51 56
Headset 52 43 39
Data Source Ghost Ghost Ghost

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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