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Reach 444 398 413
Stack 533 541 493
Top Tube (effective) 611 677 585
Seat Tube C-T 365 423 455
Head Angle 55 62 56
Seat Angle 59 74 85
Head Tube 111 115 135
Chainstay 433 435 392
Wheelbase 997 1146 1261
Standover 763 726 712
BB Drop -36 -49 -52
BB Type Pressfit 92 Pressfit 92 Pressfit 92
Seatpost Diameter 29 33 25
Axle Spacing 148/110 148/110 148/110
Wheel Size 26 30 27
Handlebar Width 648 680 621
Stem Length 47 47 48
Crank Length 201 149 200
Front Travel 122 114 150
Headset ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56
Data Source None None None

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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