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Reach 330 439 469
Stack 714 507 534
Top Tube (effective) 564 532 618
Seat Tube C-T 341 422 490
Head Angle 77 79 61
Seat Angle 81 70 72
Head Tube 107 101 120
Chainstay 505 368 369
Wheelbase 1054 1076 1030
Standover 642 599 873
BB Drop -46 -44 -37
BB Type Pressfit 92 Pressfit 92 Pressfit 92
Seatpost Diameter 36 33 33
Axle Spacing 142/110 142/110 142/110
Wheel Size 31 30 25
Handlebar Width 836 664 759
Stem Length 49 53 40
Crank Length 195 196 197
Front Travel 105 143 155
Headset IS42/IS52 IS42/IS52 IS42/IS52
Data Source None None None

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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