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Reach 334 414 410 453
Stack 500 644 578 599
Top Tube (effective) 575 638 685 562
Seat Tube C-T 417 375 475 449
Head Angle 75 68 62 62
Seat Angle 60 84 80 69
Head Tube 90 122 143 147
Chainstay 527 364 388 437
Wheelbase 1385 1087 1158 1183
Seatpost Diameter 34 25 26 34
Wheel Size 29 29 28 30
Handlebar Width 849 810 853 681
Stem Length 28 40 37 33
Front Travel 167 192 170 172
Rear Travel 161 178 182 194
Frame Weight 15.3 kg 15.3 kg 15.3 kg 15.3 kg
Data Source Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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