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Reach 438 425 371 532
Stack 637 672 564 582
Top Tube (effective) 619 475 505 774
Seat Tube C-T 458 401 416 588
Head Angle 60 59 69 62
Seat Angle 79 81 83 74
Head Tube 87 122 115 142
Chainstay 485 452 433 452
Wheelbase 1295 1139 1100 1256
Standover 599 786 852 831
BB Drop -34 -32 -35 -27
BB Type Pressfit 92 Pressfit 92 Pressfit 92 Pressfit 92
Seatpost Diameter 26 31 36 27
Axle Spacing 148/110 148/110 148/110 148/110
Wheel Size 27.5+ 27.5+ 27.5+ 27.5+
Handlebar Width 856 766 767 713
Stem Length 58 44 56 63
Crank Length 204 156 197 161
Front Travel 158 156 120 114
Rear Travel 126 104 105 107
Shock Size 210x50 (30/30) 210x50 (30/30) 210x50 (30/30) 210x50 (30/30)
Headset ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56
Data Source None None None None

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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