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Reach 408 440 535 542
Stack 610 571 731 512
Top Tube (effective) 569 503 586 654
Seat Tube C-T 459 541 464 420
Head Angle 67 66 63 74
Seat Angle 84 86 60 77
Head Tube 113 125 115 100
Chainstay 425 486 413 488
Wheelbase 1040 1129 1395 1251
Standover 684 664 776 679
BB Drop -39 -33 -34 -37
BB Type Pressfit 92 Pressfit 92 Pressfit 92 Pressfit 92
Seatpost Diameter 28 30 26 31
Axle Spacing 148/110 148/110 148/110 148/110
Wheel Size 27.5+ 27.5+ 27.5+ 27.5+
Handlebar Width 728 783 819 617
Stem Length 65 52 59 52
Crank Length 149 154 168 157
Front Travel 165 138 137 162
Rear Travel 125 123 110 105
Shock Size 210x50 (30/30) 210x50 (30/30) 210x50 (30/30) 210x50 (30/30)
Headset ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56 ZS44/ZS56
Data Source None None None None

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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