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Reach 438 468 439 360 359
Stack 622 505 509 570 763
Top Tube (effective) 685 534 665 726 609
Seat Tube C-T 471 516 536 445 534
Head Angle 72 60 64 61 69
Seat Angle 79 85 68 78 75
Head Tube 129 108 100 106 117
Chainstay 511 353 349 373 416
Wheelbase 1119 927 1238 896 1305
Standover 761 689 817 854 859
BB Drop -70 -57 -60 -82 -74
Seatpost Diameter 26 24 29 23 29
Handlebar Width 775 673 845 771 622
Stem Length 53 66 90 75 104
Crank Length 171 140 149 184 181
Front Travel 111 107 106 98 82
Headset 42/52.1 42/52.1 42/52.1 42/52.1 42/52.1
Data Source Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost

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