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Reach 478 484 493 536 543
Stack 566 536 505 673 657
Top Tube (effective) 547 602 509 718 758
Seat Tube C-T 415 477 375 529 599
Head Angle 69 70 66 57 78
Seat Angle 75 77 76 84 87
Head Tube 104 88 129 152 161
Chainstay 348 462 478 369 469
Wheelbase 1293 996 1191 954 1024
Standover 734 682 615 836 940
BB Drop -14 -12 -17 -15 -16
Seatpost Diameter 34 30 26 34 28
Handlebar Width 767 731 594 699 805
Stem Length 59 70 73 70 82
Crank Length 159 208 178 140 156
Front Travel 111 112 104 110 146
Rear Travel 127 121 146 138 153
Shock Size 200x51 (33/22) 200x51 (33/22) 200x51 (33/22) 200x51 (33/22) 200x51 (33/22)
Headset 44/56 44/56 44/56 44/56 44/56
Data Source Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost

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