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Reach 379 384 315 383 426
Stack 506 577 708 705 577
Top Tube (effective) 476 501 586 527 687
Seat Tube C-T 312 438 492 516 437
Head Angle 61 79 71 63 66
Seat Angle 78 60 65 72 82
Head Tube 108 120 113 124 115
Chainstay 483 481 395 466 516
Wheelbase 1241 855 1039 1237 1074
Standover 739 607 647 704 617
BB Drop -33 -41 -44 -43 -32
Seatpost Diameter 33 33 34 32 35
Handlebar Width 696 713 629 729 766
Stem Length 48 82 90 88 91
Crank Length 167 161 198 178 176
Front Travel 119 109 108 98 86
Headset 48 41 35 41 47
Data Source Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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