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Reach 424 339 509
Stack 641 553 618
Top Tube (effective) 562 569 552
Seat Tube C-T 443 376 508
Head Angle 56 74 77
Seat Angle 68 66 85
Head Tube 97 112 119
Chainstay 510 433 415
Wheelbase 982 949 1318
Standover 624 684 682
BB Drop -12 -15 -11
Seatpost Diameter 33 30 33
Handlebar Width 673 626 760
Stem Length 68 56 75
Crank Length 143 154 185
Front Travel 151 127 130
Rear Travel 145 135 151
Shock Size 200x51 (33/22) 200x51 (33/22) 200x51 (33/22)
Headset 44/56 44/56 44/56
Data Source Ghost Ghost Ghost

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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