Ghost Nivolet X 9, 7, 5 LC 28 2017



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Reach 348 355 363 401 355
Stack 482 438 511 635 578
Top Tube (effective) 422 633 623 556 496
Seat Tube C-T 398 586 469 468 641
Head Angle 84 71 83 65 73
Seat Angle 76 81 70 59 66
Head Tube 114 114 145 154 220
Chainstay 387 377 331 447 484
Wheelbase 1161 1021 1075 805 1166
Standover 865 723 703 860 952
BB Drop -69 -69 -64 -81 -74
BB Type Pressfit 86.5 Pressfit 86.5 Pressfit 86.5 Pressfit 86.5 Pressfit 86.5
Seatpost Diameter 25 24 28 28 29
Axle Spacing 142/100 142/100 142/100 142/100 142/100
Wheel Size 700c 700c 700c 700c 700c
Handlebar Width 385 401 391 502 392
Stem Length 95 103 94 119 103
Crank Length 198 187 182 160 144
Headset IS42/IS47 IS42/IS47 IS42/IS47 IS42/IS47 IS42/IS47
Data Source None None None None None

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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