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Reach 442 459 419
Stack 544 571 696
Top Tube (effective) 488 688 540
Seat Tube C-T 497 410 519
Head Angle 55 55 62
Seat Angle 76 82 85
Head Tube 129 137 122
Chainstay 421 478 360
Wheelbase 1292 1209 1124
Standover 816 771 700
BB Drop -10 -11 -10
Seatpost Diameter 32 31 28
Handlebar Width 838 676 750
Stem Length 37 34 45
Crank Length 167 193 175
Front Travel 147 168 168
Rear Travel 168 128 122
Shock Size 200x58 (25.4/16) 200x58 (25.4/16) 200x58 (25.4/16)
Headset 44/56 44/56 44/56
Data Source Ghost Ghost Ghost

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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