

  12" 16" 20" 24"
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Top Tube (effective) 377 322 393 451
Seat Tube C-T 157 206 285 378
Head Angle 59 61 65 70
Seat Angle 63 61 86 86
Head Tube 118 101 110 102
Chainstay 286 347 373 367
Wheelbase 643 585 966 810
Standover 330 357 408 649
BB Drop 6 3 -23 -32
Seatpost Diameter 23 23 22 26
Handlebar Width 469 436 563 505
Stem Length 24 27 58 68
Crank Length 78 123 151 151
Front Travel 44 42
Headset 29 27 34 44
Data Source Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost

Measurements are in millimeters and degrees.

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